Transfer line for cutting, stamping, and assembly of plugs in supporting square tubes – transfare line

In the furniture manufacturing industry, where competitiveness and flexibility are key, speed and precision in component processing are essential. Aluminium Kety Emmi Ltd., a manufacturer of furniture components for global brands, decided to enhance its production process for supporting square tubes with integrated plugs for a specific product. These tubes are designed as components for […]

Cutting and drilling line for aluminum profiles – “Cutting line for aluminum profiles”

In the recreational vehicle industry, the quality and durability of materials, precision, and attractive product design, along with competitiveness and fast delivery, are crucial. Acryform d.o.o. decided to increase production productivity, improve product quality, and ensure greater flexibility in the department for preparing and cutting aluminum profiles. In light of new products and expanding the […]

Cutting centres

For tubular or solid metal profiles, we manufacture dedicated cutting units, cutting centres, and cutting lines. In terms of automation, we manufacture both individual devices and cutting lines that allow for the storage of raw materials and the final stacking of clean-cut products.   Various cutting technologies are used in our lines: classic band or […]

Complex shaped plastic cutting device

The device is designed to cut complex shapes out of ABS plastic semi-finished product. The device is fully pneumatic and produces a cutting force of 10 tons per individually driven tool. Cuts are made in a variety of directions across the semi-finished product.   The user places the semi-finished product on its base, which is […]

Robotic line for producing bowden cable housing

In automotive component manufacturing, where speed and precision are paramount, optimizing space and energy efficiency is critical to gaining a competitive edge. TBP Tovarna bovdenov in plastike, d.o.o., a company specialized in the production of cables, recognized the need to enhance productivity and reduce spatial and energy overhead in the assembly and crimping of cable […]